Sunday 5 April 2020

7 Deadly Sins in Network Marketing

7 Deadly Sins can absolutely rip an organization apart, and are deadly to your long term success in this profession...
The 7 Deadly Sins in Network Marketing are:
1. Over-inflating your product or your opportunity. The truth is enough.
2. Inconsistency. Whether you are the leader or just getting started, make sure that you’re consistent.  Inconsistency in building your business will crush your efforts.
3. Negativity. Nobody enjoys listening to negativity, or being around, or following people who are negative in their talk, posture or behavior. Negativity will crush an organization, so be positive.
4. The “Idea of the week.” Be stable within your organization when it comes to a method of operation that you’re asking people to do.

5. Sleeping around. What you do outside of your organization is one thing. What you do inside of your organization is a completely different thing. We’re professionals. Be professional. It’s just not worth the reputation risk or emotional impact within an organization.
5. Stealing distributors. Whether with good intentions or bad, just make a decision that if you didn’t bring them to the party, you’re not signing them up. Your job is to be their peer, not a predator.
7. Bouncing from company to company. Decide to sink your roots deep. There may come a time where you have to make a decision, you have to make a move. But don’t be a person that every couple of years you pull up roots and go someplace.
BALAJI not only provides you with an in-depth look at each of these 7 Deadly Sins, but he also provides suggestions on what you can do to reverse all of them. Your goal is to build a strong culture, build a great organization, and build a great residual future. Also, as BALAJI points out, if there are people who are brand new to the profession that haven’t experienced any of this yet, it’s important to teach them these sins. There are landmines within any organization and things to avoid, but together, we can take this profession, raise the standards and practices and improve around the world, because we do have a gift. We have something to offer people.

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