Sunday 5 April 2020

Relationships are more important than your opportunity,

Relationships. Relationships are more important than your opportunity, product, compensation plan and skills. The truth is, people care more about you caring about them than they do about the great opportunity that you have. When people sense that they can trust you and believe in you, and have a relationship with you, then they’ll be open to looking at all your different opportunities, whether it’s to be a customer or to be a distributor. Relationships are the most important thing.

Relationships are two-fold in your business. First, you need to build relationships when it comes to your prospects. Be more interested in them than your opportunity. Once you build rapport with them, it becomes very easy to talk about your product or opportunity. Second, just as forming a relationship and building trust is important for prospects, it works this way with your team also. If your team members don’t feel they have a relationship with you, or feel they can trust you and follow you, then you need to work on your team building and leadership skills.
The greatest networkers build relationships, not just with people in network marketing, but anyone they meet. They connect by asking questions, being interested and being interested in them as a person. And so, they collect friends everywhere they go.
Good things are automatically attracted to a person who cares more about people than anything else. Jim Rohn called it enlightened self-interest. With just self-interest, there’s a loser and a winner. But with enlightened self-interest, if you help them win, then you get to win. If you help enough other people, all of your needs will be taken care of. So, focus on building trust, building belief, being interested, listening, being a friend and good things will happen in your life and in your business.
Every day someone new joins network marketing. Every day someone wonders if they have what it will take to make it to the top. And every day someone wonders what is the secret to becoming successful in this profession. In this week's show, BALAJI Worre reveals the secret to becoming a Network Marketing Professional, and it’s not recruiting, or selling, or attending company events… it goes much deeper than that, and it starts with You.
Listen in as BALAJI explains that a company won’t make you successful, your downline doesn’t make you successful, and neither does your upline. Success starts with making a Decision. A decision that you are going PRO, a decision that you are going to the top no matter what. And that decision starts with you and your commitment to becoming a Professional.  A decision that says “No matter the set backs I might face and no matter the challenge, I am going to the top.” BALAJI shares how he thought he was making a decision, how he thought he knew what he wanted, but he would let outside forces throw him off balance and he would question his ability and question his career choice. He explains that all of those objections just fell away when he made his decision real. The hardest part is making it real.  But once you make the decision, you are left with one road in front of you, which is to become a network marketing professional. So make a decision.  

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