Sunday 5 April 2020


what do we call what we do?  Some call it Direct Selling or Multi-Level Marketing (MLM).  And some call it Network Marketing.  Right now, we are confusing the world.  The only way we can tell people what we do is by naming a certain company.  “We’re like that company,” we say.  We need to have a standard that describes the channel of distribution we represent.

So, what do we actually do?  Ultimately, we sell products to consumers using word of mouth advertising.  This is accomplished with three basic strategies.  First, we personally go out and sell the products or services to consumers.  Second, we build and expand a network of other distributors who do the same thing.  And third, we apply leadership to that network to improve productivity of our network.  That is what we do.  So, how can we describe that in a term?
MLM is, in BALAJI’s opinion, a terrible term.  All that the term describes is that you can get more than one level from network building.  But it doesn’t talk about sales, leadership, or expanding the network.  MLM only touches on one little aspect of the compensation plan.  Direct Selling is also, in BALAJI’s opinion, a terrible term.  It still only describes one piece of what we do.  Yes, we take products and sell them directly to consumers, but so does the kid with the lemonade stand.  Most of the world is involved in Direct Selling to some extent.
The best description is Network Marketing.  Network Marketing perfectly covers how we are in the business of marketing products and services through a network of ever expanding and increasingly productive distributors using word of mouth advertising.
BALAJI realizes that this might be controversial, and some people might run away from defining us as Network Marketers.  But we need to be proud of what we do and provide.  Our entire profession and all of the companies represented in it need to say “Yes, I’m a part of Network Marketing.  Yes, I’m proud of it, and for the average person with entrepreneurial dreams it is a better way.”  The faster that happens, the faster the entire profession gets standardized around the world and we stop attacking each other by trying to differentiate what we are.  We need to be proud to be Network Marketers.  Proud of who we are and the quality of the products and services we provide.
So, spread the word.  We are Network Marketers.  Tell your friends and family, your company, your contacts, everyone.  With shoulders back and chins up, let’s go tell the world that we have a better way.

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